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Vertical Virtual Ruler

Cm :

Show ruler adjuster :

To ensure the accuracy of the measurement, we strongly recommend that you calibrate it before you use it.

How to calibrate the ruler

Take a standard size credit card for comparison, select the option "Standard Credit Card" to show the ruler adjuter, enlarge or reduce the scale until you are sure that the scale of the ruler is the most accurat. Remember to save the setting, so you can use the ruler directly next time. You can use anything for comparison as long as you know its size.

This vertical ruler, the left haf is a centimeter ruler, the right half is an inch ruler.

Clicking on the ruler will show a red line.

Horizontal or Vertical

| Horizontal Ruler ↔ | Vertical Ruler ↕ |

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This dynamic virtual vertical ruler is 100% self-developed by us, copyright ©, all rights reserved.