km/h, mph, knots converter

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km/h : kilometers per hour(kph)
mph : miles per hour
knots : nautical mile per hour
Fill km/h, mph or knots to convert each other

This is a speed converter that can convert km/h(kph) to mph or knots, mph to km/h or knots, knots to km/h or mph, with three virtual speedometers to show the corresponding of speed, it's easier to understand how many differences in speed units.

How to use this tool

km/h, mph and knots

Kilometer per hour

The kilometer per hour is a unit of speed, expressing the number of kilometres travelled in one hour, km/h or kph are both abbreviations of kilometer per hour.

Miles per hour

Miles per hour (abbreviated mph, MPH or mi/h) is an imperial and United States customary unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one hour.


1 international knot =1 nautical mile per hour. Although the unit knot does not fit within the SI system, its retention for nautical and aviation use is important because the length of a nautical mile, upon which the knot is based, is closely related to the longitude/latitude geographic coordinate system. As a result, nautical miles and knots are convenient units to use when navigating an aircraft or ship.

Convert mph to km/h

How many kilometers per hour are in 60 miles per hour ?
1 mph = 1.6093440006 km/h
60 mph = 60 × 1.6093440006 km/h = 96.560640036 km/h
Answer : approximately 97 km/h

Convert km/h to mph

What is 100 kilometers per hour in miles per hour ?
1 km/h = 0.621371192 mph
100 km/h = 100 × 0.621371192 mph = 62.1371192 mph
Answer : approximately 62 mph

Conversion table of mph to km/h and knots

Conversion table of km/h to mph and knots

Speed Converter

Length Unit Converters

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