


欧盟国家(European Countries)关税, 可以在欧盟关税数据库(TARIC)作查询。 或是到各个国家的海关网站查询。

我曾经有一笔英国的订单,产品是水钻挂绳,原本想说关税税率也就 5% 左右吧, 结果那一票挂绳,在英国海关被收取了 10% 的税,流着泪把税缴清,生意就是这样,边作边学。

  1. Austria 奥地利
  2. Belgium 比利时
  3. Bulgaria 保加利亚
  4. Cyprus 塞浦路斯
  5. Croatia 克罗地亚
  6. Czech Republic 捷克共和国
  7. Denmark 丹麦
  8. Estonia 爱沙尼亚
  9. Finland 芬兰
  10. France 法国
  11. Germany 德国
  12. Greece 希腊
  13. Hungary 匈牙利
  14. Ireland 爱尔兰
  15. Italy 意大利
  16. Latvia 拉脱维亚
  17. Lithuania 立陶宛
  18. Luxembourg 卢森堡
  19. Malta 马耳他
  20. Netherlands 荷兰
  21. Poland 波兰
  22. Portugal 葡萄牙
  23. Romania 罗马尼亚
  24. Slovakia 斯洛伐克
  25. Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚
  26. Spain 西班牙
  27. Sweden 瑞典
  28. United Kingdom 英国

查询方式 : 1.依分类章节或直接输入TARIC CODE。2.依产品描述。


Question :由中国进口吉他到英国的关税为多少? What is the VAT/Customs on guitars of EU ?
Answer :

  • TARIC code : 9202903000 ,Third country duty : 3.20 %
  • Import VAT currently levied at 17.5%.

Question : 进口圆珠笔到 英国的关税及增值税是多少?
Answer : UK Import duty for ballpoint pen under HS No. 9608101000 is 3.7% and import VAT currently levied at 17.5%.

Question : 进口Bridal Gowns到英国的关税是多少?
Answer : Imports of ladies dresses(女装) from China and Hong Kong to the UK and other EU countries are charged at a duty rate of 12%.

Question : I would like to know the import duty & VAT rate for importing socks(袜子) from China into the UK?
Answer : UK import duty for socks and stockings under HS 6209200020 is 10.5%. VAT 17.5% may be levied for these import goods. There is no quantity restriction for export of this item from China to the UK. However import and export licence are still required for monitoring purpose.

Question : Could you please tell me what is the current uk import duty for small led torches(手电筒) from china?
Answer : UK import duty is rated 5.7% for portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (for example, dry batteries, accumulators, magnetos) under HS 8513.


  • bracelets HS Chapter 9113
  • belts Chapter 3926
  • bags 3923 and 4202.9
  • shoes 6402 – 6406


产品输往欧盟须缴纳有关的进口税(通常施加于进口产品的到岸交货价(CIF)),另外须按不同进口国的规定缴付增 值税。以标准增值税税率来说,平均稅率在21%左右。

Member StatesCodeSuper-reduced RateReduced RateStandard RateParking Rate
BelgiumBE-6 / 122112
Czech RepublicCZ-10 / 1521-
IrelandIE4,89 / 13,52313,5
GreeceEL-6 / 1324-
FranceFR2,15,5 / 1020-
CroatiaHR-5 / 1325-
ItalyIT45 / 1022-
CyprusCY-5 / 919-
LithuaniaLT-5 / 921-
HungaryHU-5 / 1827-
MaltaMT-5 / 718-
AustriaAT-10 / 132013
PolandPL-5 / 823-
PortugalPT-6 / 132313
RomaniaRO-5 / 919-
FinlandFI-10 / 1424-
SwedenSE-6 / 1225-
United KingdomUK-520-

最新欧盟增值税(VAT), 请至 Home > Topics > Taxation 查询.

根据欧盟的《技术协调新方案》,某些产品须符合特定的品质标准, 详情可参考网址: http://www.newapproach.org/
该指令适用于玩具安全、机械、电磁兼容性、电讯终端设备、活性移植医疗装置、医疗装置、非自动秤重设备、建筑产品、防爆炸电气设备、低压电气设备、简单压 力容器、个人防护装备及气体用具。合格的产品须附有CE标志,以示符合标准。该标志由制造商或进口商贴于产品上,以自我申报形式确认产品合格。厂商必须注 意遵守欧盟的产品责任法。该法律的保障范围是消费者通常预计不到的产品缺陷,并规定产品在欧盟的销售者及产品的制造商均须负法律责任。


Austria http://www.bmf.gv.at
Belgium http://tarweb.minfin.fgov.be
Cyprus Cyprus Customs & Excise Department: http://www.mof.gov.cy/ce
The Tariff section can be found at "Customs and Excise" link under "service desk" bar.
Click on "THESEAS" : information on customs procedures.
Czech Republic Customs Administration: http://www.cs.mfcr.cz
Tariff: http://www.cs.mfcr.cz/taric/taric.htm
Denmark tarif.toldskat.dk
Estonia Estonian Tax and Customs Board Administration: http://www.emta.ee ;
Tariff site : http://emts.emta.ee:7303/emts
Finland http://www.tulli.fi
France French customs administration: www.douane.gouv.fr
French tariff: http://www.douane.gouv.fr/fwebpaged.asp?page=/appli/tarif/default.asp
Germany http://www.zoll.de
Greece http://www.e-oikonomia.gr
Hungary http://openkkk.vpop.hu/taricweb
Ireland Irish Customs Administration: www.revenue.ie
Click on 'Tax & Duty' and follow the link to Customs & Excise
Italy Italian Custom Website: www.agenziadogane.it
Italian TARIC : http://aidaonline.agenziadogane.it/nsitaric/index.html
Latvia http://www.vid.gov.lv
Lithuania Lithuanian Customs: http://www.cust.lt/en/index
Lithuanian TARIC: http://litarweb.cust.lt
Luxembourg See "Belgium"
Malta www.mfin.gov.mt
Netherlands Customs Administration: www.belastingdienst.nl/douane
National tariff: http://hbi.douane.nl
Poland Customs site: http://www.mf.gov.pl/sluzba_celna/aktualnosci/index.php
Tariff site: http://isztar.mf.gov.pl:7080/taryfa_celna/web/main_EN
Portugal Customs site: www.dgaiec.min-financas.pt
Tariff site: http://pauta.dgaiec.min-financas.pt
Slovakia Slovak customs: http://www.colnasprava.sk
By clicking on ISST : http://tqsinet.colnasprava.sk/isstinet/Tools/HomePage.aspx
you can open three sections:
1.TARIC (nomenclature, tariffs, measures, regulations, restrictions) http://tqsinet.colnasprava.sk/isstinet/taricsk/Measure_B.aspx
2.Kalkulácie (calculation module for customs clearance) http://tqsinet.colnasprava.sk/isstinet/km/Calculation_M.aspx
3.Kvóty (quotas filter, search and view options) http://tqsinet.colnasprava.sk/isstinet/kvoty/
Slovenia Slovenian Customs Administration: http://carina.gov.si/slov/index.htm
National TARIC site: http://taric-curs.gov.si/itaric/
Spain http://www.aeat.es
Sweden Swedish Customs: http://www.tullverket.se
Taric Query System: http://taric.tullverket.se
United Kingdom United Kingdom UK customs and excises: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/home.htm
This does not include UK Tariff which is a subscription only service.






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