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CMYK to Uncoated PMS

Color distance :
RGB : (255, 255, 255), HEX : #ffffff

Enter the CMYK color numbers, this color converter will advise which Pantone colors are close matches.

Have you ever been asked to find a Pantone color equivalent to a CMYK color ? Finding what PMS colors are close to a CMYK color is a difficult and painful experience, your client may only have a CMYK color and the manufacturer ask a PMS color, how you match these requirements ?

What your client see is often different to what you see, is there any easy way to convert CMYK to Pantone code or find close one ? This is a useful tool to find the Pantone equivalent for a CMYK process color without the use of a color book.

How to use this tool

More free online color tools

  1. RGB to Pantone
  2. CMYK to Pantone (coated color)
  3. CMYK to Uncoated PMS (uncoated color)
  4. CMYK to RGB (CMYK, RGB, HEX color code converter)
  5. CMYK to HEX (CMYK, HEX, RGB color code converter)
  6. RGB to HSV (RGB, HSV, HSL, HEX color code converter)
  7. Find PMS color on an image (Logo color picker)
  8. Image color picker (CMYK, RGB, HEX)
  9. Search PMS color code
  10. HTML color names
  11. Color naming
  12. Recognize color
  13. Get dominant color of image
  14. Get average color of image

What do you think about this tool?

Matching Pantone to CMYK Color

You can match your CMYK four-color process to Pantone using this free tool. If you've ever had to print a Pantone-colored logo to a CMYK press, you know it can be difficult to achieve the perfect color match. Some Pantone colors simply cannot be reproduced by CMYK, though many can be if you use the right conversion method. Problem is, many different designers advocate many different methods, from the Pantone Process Guide to simply using a Pantone to CMYK conversion chart or swatches

What's the difference between Pantone and CMYK?

The simplest explanation is that Pantone is a popular spot color system and CMYK is a process printing system. Pantone spot colors are solid inks assigned numbers that look the same no matter who prints them, which is why spot color is especially important for corporate identities and branded images. CMYK colors, on the other hand, are created (processed) on the press using a mix between Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and blacK inks. Since there are variations between presses, press operators and other factors, CMYK colors are not guaranteed to be perfectly reproduced between printers or even print jobs.

Why would I want to convert from Pantone to CMYK and vice versa?

In practice, Pantone is favored for solid colors such as those used in logos and letterhead; while CMYK is favored for mixed colors such as those evident in multi-colored photographs. That being said, printing with Pantone inks can be expensive and many companies prefer to use CMYK process to save money, especially if a Pantone color can be perfectly or closely duplicated using CMYK. Conversely, a company might decide to switch to Pantone after using CMYK four-color process and needs to match the Pantone color to the CMYK mix. The goal is a branded, uniform look that does not unnecessarily inflate marketing expenses.

In some cases, it is impossible to match Pantone colors using CMYK - but you can get close. Matching Pantone to CMYK color can be a challenge, and as a designer you have to understand that the two systems are indeed different, and 100 percent matches are not always possible. You can match most Pantone colors using CMYK, however, and in doing so you can save money and increase your return on investment.

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Careful ! As Pantone colors depend on the type of matter to be printed, this is only an approximation to help to quicken your search of the right color, You should indeed confirm this results with real printed pantone guides. Our free color matching system is intended as a reference only, recommended color may not what you would like, printed colors on any products may not match the colors on the screen, use this at your own risk.