What color is this ?

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Upload Your Image

Select an image from your computer

Or upload an image from URL(http://...)
accept file formats (jpg,gif,png,svg,webp...)

Click on the image to get the color name.

Don't know how to describe a color ? want to give a name to a color ? can't find someone to discuss color naming with you ? tell me, what color is that in my picture ? this fun color naming gadget will show you some ideas of color name.

How to use this color naming tool ?

  1. Upload your logo image file (from local device or url)
  2. If your image has been uploaded success, it will be shown on the top of page
  3. If you upload image from url failed, try to download image to your local device first, then upload it from local
  4. Click any pixel on the image (select a color)
  5. Than you will get many ideas of color name

What do you think about this color naming gadget ?

Color Naming

I know the pain to tell others what color is it, generally speaking, there are about a dozen colors that we offen talk about, black, white, green, yellow, blue, red, purple, oragne, etc. if there is only one kind of green, then it is easy to explain, but if there are two or even three kinds of green, it is difficult to express clearly, this simple tool can give us some idea, it helps us to make it easier when naming colors, as well as save you tons of time.

Color Recognition

Saying the name of a color is not the same as describing a color, if I say it's black, everyone can understand what color it is, if I say it's purple, everyone's preception may not be the same. When people say that it is the color of turquoise, how many people can understand that it is greenish blue ? Everyone knows how many color are different, We made an interesting color recognition function, with a smart phone, you can take a picture and it will tell you what color it is, you can play with it if you are interested, click here [recognize color from image].

Get Color Name From Your Picture

For smartphone user, you can take a picture and upload, then click any pixel on the uploaded image to get color name of it

Try to naming color by your smartphone

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More free online color tools

  1. RGB to Pantone
  2. CMYK to Pantone (coated color)
  3. CMYK to Uncoated PMS (uncoated color)
  4. CMYK to RGB (CMYK, RGB, HEX color code converter)
  5. CMYK to HEX (CMYK, HEX, RGB color code converter)
  6. RGB to HSV (RGB, HSV, HSL, HEX color code converter)
  7. Find PMS color on an image (Logo color picker)
  8. Image color picker (CMYK, RGB, HEX)
  9. Search PMS color code
  10. HTML color names
  11. Color naming
  12. Recognize color
  13. Get dominant color of image
  14. Get average color of image
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Careful ! As Pantone colors depend on the type of matter to be printed, this is only an approximation to help to quicken your search of the right color, You should indeed confirm this results with real printed pantone guides. Our free color matching system is intended as a reference only, recommended color may not what you would like, printed colors on any products may not match the colors on the screen, use this at your own risk.